Saturday, July 27, 2013

FOTD: F(x) Luna Rum Pum Pum Pum Makeup Inspired + MY NEW IBB LOGO~~~

Hi ladies, I'm back~ hehe
As you guys can see from the title, I'm back with a makeup inspired post and maybe another great news from me, as an addition to my recent post.
I actually hesitated weather to post this inspired makeup look or not because I think it turns out somewhat weird to me hahaha.
I don't know I think I haven't gain much of my confidence, but whatever, I had so much fun doing this, and I wanna share it to you guys! hehe
but don't expect for a great result ya! I warned you, hehehe
About the good news....

Yes, after waited and waited for quite a long time.....


Kemarin pas lagi liat email, tiba-tiba liat email masuk dari IBB dan yeaaaaaaaaay seneng banget. I made it, gurls.. Alhamdulillah. I write for this blog for more than 6 months and it is amazing.

I started writing for this blog actually only to share of what I know and what I think it is good to share to my friends only. Then I found this incredible community and I think it is good for me to join. dan ternyata bener, selain nambah temen yang asik untuk diajak sharing hal yang sama juga IBB bantu banget untuk pengembangan diri.. karena secara gak langsung kita ketemu banyak orang yang tentunya juga ngajarin kita hal-hal baru dalam hidup. I once read that If you meet a new person in life, she/he will change your life.. and I think it is true. So I'm grateful to be part of IBB, semoga dengan adanya logo ini, gue bisa menggunakannya sebaik mungkin dan menjadikannya sebagai motivasi untuk diri sendiri even orang lain. AMIN! FIGHTING~~~~~~~~~

F(x) Sulli
Okay.. Let's go back to the main post..
Have you guys see the newest video of F(x)?? It is entitled Rum Pum Pum Pum..
I know it sounds unusual but the beat is quite addictive to me hahaha
So I first actually recreate this look of Sulli in the video, but I think it turns out bad, I look like having a panda eyes /sobsob

But then I saw kak SASYACHI posted a new blogpost about this Sulli look. Then it turns out to be emejing, everyone, yes, emejing. so I told her that I actually made it too, but I failed, of course, and kak Sasya told me why not try to do Luna's look? hmmmmm.... I think Luna's also cute so I watch the vid again, and I think fine, let's do this.

Watch F(x) Rum Pum Pum Official Music Video Here:

Friday, July 26, 2013

Beauty Talk: My Birthday, Graduation, and Goals in Life....

Hello again ladies, oh I'm tearing up while typing this, don't know why..
I think I'm just missing you guys and it's been a long time for me since my latest post on this blog.
Yes, I'm back after such a looooong long time.
As you guys can notice from the title, I bring some good news to share with you guys..
Belakangan ini merupakan momen momen yang sangat amat alhamdulillah menyenangkan buat gue.

Yep, I turned into 22 this year. tepatnya 29 Juni kemarin, hehehehe

taken from
I feel so grateful. Yes, more than grateful. ulang tahun kemarin gak ada yang terlalu spesial atau wah gimana banget. cukup ucapan dan doa dari keluarga dan teman-teman udah merupakan sesuatu yang sangat spesial kemarin bagi gue, karena alhamdulillah semuanya mendoakan biar sidang gue lancar dan lulus dengan nilai yang memuaskan. karena 29 Juni kemarin, gue belum lulus. masih dalam tahap deg-degan mau sidang. So, I cannot be more grateful than that. I feel awesome. Thank you for all the prayer, guys..
My family prepared a cute and simple-sudden-birthday cake for me at 00.00 hehehe it was made from Magnum Minis, disusun sedemikian rupa sampe jadi kayak kue ulang tahun trus dikasih lilin deh buat gue niup lilinnya. hehe sweet.

I also got a present from my beloved ones, Izzy. Walaupun gak hari H karena dia masih di Malang, jadi baru beberapa hari kemudian dia balik ke Jakarta. untuk magang di Jakarta beberapa lama ini (yeaaaaay!) And he gave me this cutely wrapped birthday present, he knows that I love pink and Hello Kitty yeay! and what's inside is a secret. lol Plus, 22 Juli kemarin, was his birthday too! Yay! Happy 22 too, Sayang! Hope everything's going all right for this year ahead amin ya rabbalalaminnnnn hehehehe Well, I think that's it for my birthday story, I don't have any fancy things to tell, but I'm totally grateful for that, moving on to the next....

Here it comes the D-day. 2 Juli, Hari dimana gue Sidang Skripsi. jeng jeng.

O. M. G. I don't know what to tell. Kemarin itu rasanya epic banget T~T even gue masih kayak pengen nangis kalo ngebayanginnya. fuh~~~~~~~ jadi gue nyampe di Jatinangor itu H-1 dan kemarin itu gue belum dapet sepatu hitam. oh noooo, untung aja ada mall terdekat disana dan bisa nyari dulu. jadi aja gue muter dulu untuk nyari sepatu hitam. I don't think of the price, the style, the fabric or whatever anything will do, asal gue bisa sidang dengan nyaman besok. there you go, abis muter muter bentar, gue dapet sepatu ini. thank you banget buat @auniazmi_ yang udah nemenin gue muter-muter nyari sepatu ini :') Okey, besoknya, gue prepare semuanya. sip gue bangun pagi-pagi banget trus siapin yang mesti dibawa, which is banyak banget aja gitu dari laptop buku-buku teori dsb. karena asrama gue tinggal nyebrang doang ke kampus, jadi ya lumayan lah. sidang dimulai dari jam 8 pagi. dosen-dosen juga udah pada dateng. termasuk dosen-dosen penguji gue. jadi fakultas gue itu ada 2 penguji dan 2 pembimbing. Jadi abis pembukaan dari ketua jurusan, kita semua nunggu dipanggilin buat disidang skripsinya.
Huk. then it comes to my turn. perut gue sakit, nervous. tapi alhamdulillah pas udah eksekusinya gue tenang dan menjawab sesuai dengan kemampuan gue. terus nunggu nunggu nunggu, sambil saling support ke temen dan senior lain yang juga sidang, akhirnya abis shalat dzuhur, tiba-tiba semua yang saat itu sidang (sekitar 29 orangan) disuruh masuk semua. saatnya pengumuman. DAMN!!!!!!!! LEMES BANGET AJA NIH KAKI SAKING NERVOUSNYA.