Friday, May 24, 2013

Easy Brow Pencil in #1 Dark Brown and Comparison with Etude House Drawing Eyebrow in #5 Gray Review

Hello my dear beautiful ladies, it's been a while.
I know right, it's quite a long time for me not to write any post(s) :(
Yes, skripsi makes me go insane.
tapi alhamdulillah wasyukurillah, udah selesai semuanya, tinggal siapin semua persyaratan, and I'm ready untuk sidang bulan Juni ini. GIRLS!!!! please pray for me :''''''))))
oke, jadi gue baru aja sempetin balik kerumah, setelah hampir sebulan di asrama. begitu sampe rumah, nyokap bilang ada paket sampe. tuh, sampe lupa kalo ada orderan dari online shop.
It's the Etude House Easy Brow Pencil in #1 Dark Brown package. I bought it because I'm running out all my Drawing Eye Brow plus I really want to give a try to this brow pencil.
Then I decided why not reviewing it first, then. So, here we go..
But first, I want to compare it with the Drawing Eyebrow Pencil in #5 Gray.

Well sebenernya, untuk drawing eyebrow pencil (DEP) , udah gue pernah review selengkap-lengkapnya di blog ini. untuk postingan khusus drawing eyebrow, bisa klik di sini. oke balik lagi, sebenernya gue juga udah janji mau nge-swatch untuk shade yang gray ini di postingan March Haul gue, so I decided to skalian aja deh di compare sama Easy Brow Pencil (EBP) nya. well as you guys can see, the packaging is soooo handy. This is my Holy Grail item. I bring this every where I go. Saking seringnya, udah hampir habis lagi, this is the only weakness I found in this product. wax-nya sedikit sekaliiii, jadi suka cepet habis. padahal suka banget sama produk ini. makanya itu, gue mau cobain EBP karena bener-bener pensil, apakah lebih tahan lama atau gimana. So let's see the color, shall we?

As you guys can see, the color is really gray. sama kayak yang di produknya. it compliments my pitch black hair, so I love it. gak aneh di rambut asia yang rata-rata hitam. So I really recommend this color untuk yang berambut hitam. nah sedihnya, gue pake sekian kali, suatu kali tiba-tiba pensilnya copot dari dalem :((( sedih. padahal udah paling hati-hati. bisa di masukin lagi sih, tapi bukanya mesti hati-hati banget kalo gak jatoh dan hilang. So I warn you guys, pelan-pelan aja kalo make DEP ini yaa. karena pensilnya rapuh bener. lemesss~

Nah sekarang kita bandingin sama warna di postingan yang udah gue pernah review sebelumnya, DEP in #2 Grey Brown.

Can you guys tell the different? warnanya sama-sama natural dan cocok banget sama rambut hitam gue. gak lebay atau aneh. again, I love these produtcs sooooo much. sekarang, gimana penampakan EBP-nya? Let's check it out~

Secara packaging, bedanya keliatan banget ya. EBP lebih girly dengan packaging bermaterial tin warna baby pink seluruh pensilnya. but still, it really handy jadi ga makan tempat kalo mau dibawa kemana-mana. shade yang gue pilih #1 Dark Brown, karena pengen coba aja, apa cocok sama warna rambut hitam gue. karena liat review dari blogger-blogger lainnya kayaknya oke. So when we open the tin....

Surprise surprise! Well, ternyata di dalem tin-nya, ada pensil lagi! so when we open the longest tin as in (2) we can see the length of the pencil is proportional enough. I think I won't run out of it soon, then. I guess. then when you open the shorter tin as in (3), you will get such a thin brush. ah so cuuuute. hahahaha well, here is the clearer pic of the pencil and the brush tip.

Well sebenernya, agak kaget juga liat pensil-nya. kok agak ijo gitu ya :| agak gimanaaaa gitu. tapi brush nya lucu sih, langsing banget, beda sama DEP yang bentuknya lebih screw brush. tapi kegunaannya sama aja, buat nmgeblend warna dari pencil-nya biar natural. So I think this is the general comparison between two, along with the swatches of the products:

From what I see, the EBP color turns out really really pigmeted. lebih pigmented dari pada DEP. as you guys can see below. hasilnya memang cokelat gelap dan agak sedikit hazel tone didalemnya. so far I'm happy with the pigmentation. and I finally found out why the brush is like that, karena brush ini bikin warnanya washable banget. artinya, kalau pengen warnanya keluar banget, ngebrush-nya jangan terlalu ditekan, karena warnanya bisa hampir hilang. kayak gambar dibawah. pelan-pelan aja ngebrushnya untuk hasil yang lebih natural dan gak terlalu lebay.

And this is my experience using this product to my brows. and I think, this shade is not the right shade for black hair, or at least for me. I don't recommend this #1 shade for you girls with black hair. the color turns out too dark for me and not natural :( ah.... what should I do? I think I need to buy the other shade. another grayish tone, maybe. yang gue tau EBP ini punya 4 shades. lebih sedikit dari shade yg dipunya DEP.. I think I need to get the black one, instead. huhu oya, untuk harga, it's affordable enough kok untuk everyday kit, cuma IDR 40-50 ribuan saja. It worth the price, anyway.

anyway, sorry for my bare eyes, I need to focus to the brows, anyway.

Well that's it thank you cantik for reading my post. semoga bisa membantu kalian yang lagi cari brow utensils. hope you enjoy this post, and please leave comments or feedback because they're like air for me. See you real soon and WISH ME TONS OF LUCK!!!! :')

Disclaimer: I'm not paid to do all this review. These are all based on my own opinion. The products may react differently to other people. So don't take it too personal, guys :D I'm just sharing my thoughts on these product, thank you! xoxo -ayes

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21 Responses to "Easy Brow Pencil in #1 Dark Brown and Comparison with Etude House Drawing Eyebrow in #5 Gray Review"

  1. yang easy brow lucu ya bisa dibegituin, aku juga lebih suka warna yg drawing eyebrow

    btw, semoga skripsinya lancar2 yes :D

    1. Me too kak, aku jauh lebih suka yang drawing eyebrow ^^ shades-nya lebih cocok
      amin thank you thank you so much kakak :') <3

  2. seumur-umur ga pernah pake yg namanya eyebrow. alisku tipis banget, jadi lebih baik kubiarkan alami. justru kalo pake eyebrow malah lucu, kelihatan tebal dan menyeramkan.

    salam kenal ya

    1. Hi dear, aku punya dua org temen yang gak pernah pake eyebrow juga, pas lagi main, mereka cobain drawing eyebrow dan langsung suka. karena hasilnya ga akan pernah lucu atau ketebelan. So I think they worth to try, somehow.
      salam kenal and thank you ^^

  3. semangat sidangnya kak, semoga sukses :D
    dari dulu aku pingin nyobain yang DEP, tapi kok agak rapuh gitu ya..
    dan packagingnya EBP keliatan lebih unyu.>.<

    1. amin amin ya allah :') thank you so much ya sayang
      I think you need to try DEP first, karena hasilnya memang oke
      dan EBP memang worth to try #nahloh hihi
      thank you again, syg <3

  4. aku punya yang drawing AD, pengen coba yg easy brow juga..kayaknya lebih enak buat gambar ya ^^

    btw, semangaaatt untuk skripsinyaa ya ^^
    Good Luck :))

    1. iya say, worth to try kok, karena kalo harga juga sebenernya ga terlalu beda jauh hihi
      thank you so much dear :')
      really appreciate that <3

  5. Judiiith.. good luck ya buat sidangnya! Semangat!! :D
    ih ini racun deh.. bikin pengen :3

    1. awwww reezkiiii :') thank you thank you so much syg <3 really appreciate it~
      hayuuu dicobain lucu loooh hihi

  6. iy pnyaku td pagi jg baru patah yg drawing eye brow.. pny etude kyny mmg gampang patah, yg lioele ga gt :(

    1. iyaaa memang jeleknya kalo lengah dikit suka patah, padahal udah hati-hati :(
      jadi pengen nyobain yg lioele juga deh, the face shop juga katanya jg bagus say hihi
      thank you~

  7. How's about the quality and pigmentation? I need more divine result lol...


    1. I think I already mention it all on the post, dear ^^
      if you're talking about detail, the quality of these brow pencils are equal, they did such a great job.
      about the pigmentation, I already said that the EBP is really pigmented, only need a slight stroke, then you'll have such an intense color. but the DEP one if quite feathery with slight strokes, but the color is really build-able. so I hop this will answer your question. thank you.

  8. nice review...pintar banget editorial nya..i am having fun reading your post and viewing the pictures..hehe..=D
    naksir etudenya nih..hihih

    1. wah, etude house eyebrow pencil nya benar2 bagus kah?kalo ada sempat, mau coba aaah...thanks for the review..
      Revlon lipgloss nya warnanya it too!!!=)
      thx so much for a nice comment on my blog yaaaaa...xoxo

    2. yes kak, ga kalah kok menurut aku kalo sama brand lain. lumayan natural dan blendable warnanya. hihi anyway thank you kakak for the compliments I really blushing right now :"3 so happy to hear that, but still, you're my role model though. hehe~
      thank you for visiting by kakak <3

  9. Sukses sidangnya ya cah ayu.. jangan lupa sedia air putih.. soalnya grogi suka bikin lebih cepet haus :D

    eyebrow pencilku udah ada enam, more than enough deeehh.. harus tobatt beliiii :))

    1. aaaaakkkk thank you so muuuch kakak T~T I AM, nervous kak, jauh-jauh hari gini padahal. huhu
      but I will try my best, fighting!
      uwooooow! kakak koleksi kah? aku juga pengen nyobain merk lain sih.
      tapi yg warnanya cocok pastinya hihi

  10. Hello.. Thanks ya uda comment di blog'ku ✌♫♪˙❤‿❤˙♫♪✌
    Gw suka EH Drawing Eyebrow Pencil'nyaa~ looks so natural yaa..
    Btw, sukses sidangnya yaaa,Judith :)

    1. you're always welcome dear ^^
      iyaaa memang natural banget <3
      thank you so much dear :') really appreciate it :')
