Haiiiiii ladies, jadi akhirnya setelah membuat semua yang udah baca part 1 seri review produk ini penasaran, berikut adalah part 2 dari serinya! Yeayyyy. Maaf kalo nunggunya kelamaan karena gue baru punya waktu buat update lagi :( Untuk yang belum baca part 1, langsung aja monggo diklik untuk baca review secara umum palette kesukaan gue ini.Sedangkan untuk part 2 ini, gue khususkan untuk swatches warnanya aja :D
Hi ladies, finally after making you guys curious while reading the part one of this review series, I'm back with the next series, it's part 2 everyone! Yaaay, sorry for making you guys waiting for too long because I was just so busy to even update a post :( For those who haven't read the first part, so please go ahead click the link for the general overview on this palette. For today, I only talk about the color swatches girlllls :D
Jadi, untuk klaim dari palette ini sendiri adalah:
So the palette claims that:
"It'sJudyTime Eyeshadow Palette is a gorgeous collection of 12 eyeshadows perfect for daytime or date night! Ranging from pretty neutrals to jewel tones of blue and purple this collection of colors, hand-pick by famed Beauty Guru ItsJudyTime, features satin, shimmer and matte finish eyeshadows."
So yea, let's check em out!
Secara keseluruhan, apa yang diklaim sama palette ini memang sesuai. Sekilas udah keliatan kalo warnanya memang sangat netral. Hampir semuanya mengandung earth tones dan cocok untuk sehari-hari. Ini merupakan warna yang bakalan kalian pake setiap harinya, yang mungkin jadi salah satu alasan para pembeli palette ini, untuk dipakai setiap hari. Cocok banget buat ke kantor setiap hari, bisa tampil cantik tanpa keliatan lebay, tapi juga banyak pilihan warna! Gak akan bosen!
Overall, I agree with what this palette has claimed. In a glimpse, we can tell that these palette has neutrals for the color. It all have the earth tones in it so it is really daily appropriate color. It is the color that you want to wear on every day basis. Appropriate for working ladies, you can be pretty without being too much. And it also has colors to play on, you won't be bored!
Satu hal yang agak miss dari palette ini adalah, masing-masing warna gak ada penyebutannya. baik nama atau nomer, jadi kali ini kita bakalan nyebut warna-warna palette ini dengan ngasih noomer sendiri aja ya. Bingung juga kalo ngasih tutorial, ngasih tau warna yang mana nyebutnya gimana. hihi Tapi itu bukan masalah besar sih, karena gue yakin Judy juga gak mau palettenya ribet2 dengan banyak tulisan di belakangnya.
One thing that missed from this palette is that it doesn't have any name or number to refer to the colors. It is really confusing to actually refer to a color in a tutorial, so we could just call it with numbers like so. But it's not a big deal after all, because I think Judy wants to keep it simple without too many words on her palette, so maybe that's why.
Baiklah, utnuk warna berikut gue akan swatch masing-masing warnanya. Mudah-mudahan keliatan jelas ya. Oya perlu diingat, semuanya diambil dalam Natural Lighting, menggunakan Primer Wet n Wild dan semuanya 2 swipes. Rata. Jadi gue gak bakalan maksa swipes berapa kali biar warnanya keluar. It is what it is. Kalo yang gak keliatan berarti 2x swipes memang seperti itu pigmentasinya. So here we go!
Okay for the swatches, I will swatch each of the colors. I hope you can see the colors clearly. One thing to remember, I took all the swatches in Natural lighting in daytime, on wet n wild e/s primer, with only 2 swipes. I won't push the colors to pop. So it all 2 swipes. Check it out.
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color no. 1 and no.2 |
(1) Warna ini merupakan satu-satunya warna putih, gue yakin Judy milih warna ini untuk highlight. Hmmm, instead of white, mungkin agak krem gitu warnanya. dan ini matte finish. teksturnya haluuuus bgt!
(1) This is the only light/white color on the palette. I believe Judy picked this color for a highlighter. Instead of white, it is more cream color. It has a matte finish and the texture is really smooth!
(2) Warna ini merupakan warna yang dibilang Judy warna transisi untuk keseluruhan look. Bener banget karena pake warna apa aja, blend pake ini biar nyatu sama warna asli kita. Untuk kulit gue, warna ini gak keliatan begitu jelas, karena nyatu sama kulit gue. It is matte finish dan sedikit chalky.
(2) This color is what Judy called the transition color. It is really great to blend all the colors with our skin. As for me, it's almost transparent thou, since it blends well with my skin tone. It has matte finish and a little bit chalky.
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color no. 3 and no. 4 |
(3) Judy nyebut warna ini dengan rose gold dan ini adalah warna kesukaannya! And mine too! Cocok banget buat bikin bright look kita loh! It is Satin finish dan saaaaangat halus! Buttery.
(3) Judy called this color with rose gold color and it's her favorite! Mine too! it is really good to brightens up our look. It has satin finish and realllly buttery and smooth!
(4) Warna ini juga termasuk warna transisi, tapi bedanya dengan (2) warna ini agak sedikit kemerahan. Cocok untuk blend warna lainnya biar gak harsh. It is matte finish dan sedikit chalky.
(4) This is also a transition colors, but it has a little bit reddish color apart from the color no. (2) It's really good to blend with the other colors so it won't appear too harsh. It has a matte finish and a little bit chalky.
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color no. 5 and no. 6 |
(5) Warna ini semacam very deep burgundy nyaris cokelat deh. Cocok banget buat mempertegas mata, untuk kesan yang lebih smokey. Warnanya super pigmented! sekali swipe langsung tegas. Matte finish.
(5) This color is like a very deep burgundy color almost brown color. it is really pretty to smoked out the look. It is super pigmented, one swipe, you got the color. Matte finish.
(6) Warna ini juga deep chocolate tapi ada sedikit gold micro glitters di dalemnya, Cantik banget buat mempertegas mata. Teksturnya lembut dan hasilnya Shimmery finish!
(6) This is also a deep choco color with gold micro glitters in it. Super pretty for our eyes. It is really smooth and has shimmery finish!
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color no. 7 and no. 8 |
(7) OMG this color is soooo gorgeous! it's rich gold, baby! RICH GOLD! haha sangat pigmented dan buttery, sekali swipe langsung WOW! Hasilnya satin finish and I love it so much.
(7) OMG this color is soooo gorgeous! it's rich gold, baby! RICH G.O.L.D! haha it's super pigmented and buttery. One swipe, you got the color! It has satin finish and I love it so much.
(8) Warna ini juga cantik bgt. Deep copper color. Cocok banget buat yang suka daily smokey tapi gak terlalu heavy. Sangat pigmented dan buttery. Hasilnya satin finish.
(8) This color is also beautiful. A deep copper color. It's really great for those who love a light smokey eyes. It is really pigmented and buttery and has a satin finish.
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color no. 9 and no. 10 |
(9) Warna ini merupakan warna tergelap dan terunik dalam palette ini. Sekilas memang keliatannya kayak very very deep burgundy dalam palette. tapi begitu di swatch, warnanya berubah jadi super deep chocolate nyaris hitam! Ternyata duo chrome color and it's cool! Ada glitter ungunya tapi pas di baurkan, gak akan lebay! so it's shimmery finish and so pigmented!
(9) This is the darkest and the most unique color on the palette. For a glimpse, it looks like it is a very very deep burgundy color on the palette. But once you swatch the color turns into a super deep chocolate almost black color! It is a duo chrome color it's cool! It has micro purple glitters but once you put it on, the glitters won't appear that much! It has a shimmery finish and so pigmented!
(10) Warna ini salah satu dari 3 pop of colors yg ditawarkan Judy. We knoooow too well that Judy loves purple, oyea. Jadi warna ini semacam warna lilac yang cantik banget. Cocok untuk yang gak berani main warna, tapi pengen nyoba, karena hasilnya gak lebay! sungguh! It's super pigmented and buttery. Satin finish.
(10) This is the first pop of colors that Judy picked from the palette. We knooooow too well that Judy loves purple so much. So this is some kind of a lilac color which is very pretty. It is really good for those who wants to play with colors, but still wants to keep it neutral. It's really pigmented and buttery also has a satin finish.
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color no. 11 and no. 12 |
(11) Warna ini juga cantikkkk banget. Nyaris ungu tapi masih soft, cocok banget sama warna (10) kalo di blend. Dan gak lebay kalo udah di blend. It is super pigmented dan buttery. Hasilnya matte finish.
(11) This color is so beautidul. It is almost pure purple but is is really compliment the color no. (10) on the palette. It is not too much after you blend it well. It is super pigmented and buttery. It has matte finish.
(12) Warna yang terakhir ini Judy bilangnya Royal blue. Karena bisa diliat, birunya bold banget kaka! Sungguh cantik. Tapi sayangnya, warna ini adalah warna yang paling chalky :( sekali swipe, kita gak dapet warna yang sama kayak di palette. butuh beberapa swipe untuk dapetin warna yang sama. Keliatannya juga kayak ada glitternya, tapi pas di swipe glitternya gak ada. So it's matte finish, instead.
(12) This is the last color from the palette and Judy called this with Royal Blue. As you can see it's really bold in color! Pretty! But unfortunately, it is the most chalky ones than the other color :( one swipe, it won't appear as what on the palette, we need to build the color to achieve the exact color like on the palette. It looks like it has glitters on it, but when we swipe, the glitters won't appear. So it has a matte finish instead.
So guys, gimana menurut kalian? Kalo gue sih puas banget beli palette ini. Karena memang gue make warna-warna yang kayak gini. Jujur, gue memang kurang berani untuk eksperimen sama warna. Cukup kalo lagi mood aja. hehe selebihnya I wear neutrals. So this is like the perfect palette for me. Untuk kerja, main, atau untuk sehari-hari I totally wear this palette. Baik siang, malem, oke banget!
So guys, what do you think? To be honest, I feel really satisfied buying this palette. Because I do wear these colors. I don't actually play with colors, unless I want to. hehe I wear neutrals on daily basis. So this palette is so Me, if you know what I mean. I wear it for work, hanging out or even daily wear. I love this palette for daytime or night! Beautiful!
Sebenernya Judy udah bikin swatches video di channelnya sendiri dan postingan tentang swatches ini juga di blognya. Untuk yang mau liat versi dari si empunya palette, silakan play aja video di bawah atau klik link blog Judy di bawah ini ya! :D
Actually, Judy has her own swatches video and blogpost about this palette swatches. So if you guys want to check out her real version of this palette, go ahead and click the video and link below! :D
Jadi, Cucok atau Engga? LOL Gimana menurut kalian warnanya? Oya dan mohon ditunggu ya part terakhir dari seri review palette ini, kurang lebih tentang riasan yang udah gue bikin pake palette ini. Sampai ketemu lagi, jangan lupa komennya! xoxo
So it's a YAY or a NAY for you guys? Please do share your thoughts and please do anticipate the last part of this review series! :D it's about the look I've created with this palette I'll see you guys real soon! xoxo
mu-peng!!!! -_____- pengen banget deeeh ternyata suka judy juga ya? hahhaha seru banget nontonin julianna bear tiap hari hahhaha
ReplyDeleteini palette nya emang lucuu banget, keliatan mahal >_< tapi terjangkau harganya..hihi
ReplyDeleteemang rata2 warna eyeshadow BH Cosmetics sheer gitu a.k.a kurang keluar ya.. ak pernah liat swatchnya blog gitu yang palette bnyak warna-warni warnanya kurang begitu memuaskan..
aahhhh ak penasaran pengen swatch BH cosmetics juga tapi nabung dulu hiks hiks
warnanya bagus-bagus dan wearable buat dipake daily. ^^
ReplyDeletejustru itu bagus kak, kan sayang keluar udah duit tapi malah ga kepake.
yang rose gold warnanya emang cantik ya kak, ah mupeng ~ *sembunyiin dompet dan atm*
waaaa warnanyaa :3
ReplyDeleteaku penasaran sama yg thats heart.. beli dmn ni? ^^
baguuss" bgt ad yg natural ampe party aq lsg kbayang naked <3
ReplyDeleteCakep banget warnanya ya. Memang palette 1 rasanya kurang ya. Lihat ini jadi pengen juga haha
ReplyDeletewoooooo... ayeees... kamu kalo udah nebar racun emang jago nya hihihi..
ReplyDeleteih cakep2 banget siiih warnanyaaaa.. aku mau dong colek2 ;3
ReplyDeleteoh my gooood, kamu sukses bikin akyu ileran yes :Q
ReplyDeletewahhh racun sekali postingan ini heheheh
ReplyDeleteThese are Delicious!
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