Saturday, May 31, 2014

Review : MAC Lipstick DIVA + Swatches

Hai girls! We finally meet again, yeaaaay! Kali ini gue mau ngereview product yang agak menyimpang dengan konsep utama blog ini, yaitu drugstore makeup. Kali ini gue mau review satu produk high end yang belakangan ini jadi favorit gue. Yep, it is MAC Lipstick in shade DIVA. It's one of the best seller shades from MAC. Who's excited?? Me! Heheh

So, as you all know, gue suka banget sama bold lip products. Gak tau kenapa apa mungkin karena gue belom nemu nude shades yang sesuai sama gue, jadi gue kurang suka sama lipstick nudes. Lipstick nudes yang slama ini gue coba kurang flattery semua :( malah bikin gue keliatan pucet. So I prefer bold lips instead. Merah, Pink, atau bahkan burgundy. Nah kali ini gue mau coba look yang bold juga, tapi lebih ke sisi dark. So I bought this lip color. Dan belakangan dark lips lagi in. Apalagi untuk di luar negeri yang ngalamin fall season, dark lips sangat dinanti-nanti sama makeup enthusiasts out there. Termasuk gue, walaupun di Indonesia gak ada fall season :p jadi ini beberapa contoh look dengan dark lips.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Review: Etude House Rosy Tint Lips #1 and #8 (Lots of pics!)

Hai guyyyysss :D happy holiday, and happy isra miraj to all moslems all over the world. So now I'm trying to be productive here during my holiday. So I decided to write this long awaited post today. I know so many people asked me to actually review this beautiful products.

IT'S ETUDE HOUSE ROSY TINTS IN #1 BEFORE BLOSSOM AND #8 AFTER BLOSSOM! And I am soooo excited you guys! So hope you guys enjoy, let's get started! <3 

WARNING: There will be a lot of beautiful pics of this product, so I think it will be a little heavier to load this post :(

So this is the packaging I received from online shop where I bought this babies. You can actually buy these anywhere, well I bought it from Mirielle Beaute on facebook (I'm not sponsored, though)
for IDR 100k-ish each. I really looove the color so I decided to buy two shades, which is #1 and #8.


Once I saw the promotion ads pics, Sulli, I swear she looks super pretty! OMG! Don't you guys agreeee?
I just love all the color range. But I decided to buy Sulli's Pick shades which is #1 and #8 since I really really loooove bold lips. I go crazy for those.

Well this is taken from Etude House Korea's official page. And it show's all the beautiful colors shown on lips. You can actually use it as a gradient lips or full lip. Sebenernya ini masuk dalam range Fall Color. Jadi warna-warnanya terinspired dari bunga mawar. 

Nama-nama shadesnya juga lucu-lucu. Semuanya berkaitan dengan mawar di dunia. ada Before Blossom, Sunny Flower, Rose Petal, Sweet Poison, Baby Peony, English Gardem, Tea Rose, After Blossom.Which one is your fave color? :D