I know right, it's quite a long time for me not to write any post(s) :(
Yes, skripsi makes me go insane.
tapi alhamdulillah wasyukurillah, udah selesai semuanya, tinggal siapin semua persyaratan, and I'm ready untuk sidang bulan Juni ini. GIRLS!!!! please pray for me :''''''))))
oke, jadi gue baru aja sempetin balik kerumah, setelah hampir sebulan di asrama. begitu sampe rumah, nyokap bilang ada paket sampe. tuh, sampe lupa kalo ada orderan dari online shop.
It's the Etude House Easy Brow Pencil in #1 Dark Brown package. I bought it because I'm running out all my Drawing Eye Brow plus I really want to give a try to this brow pencil.
Then I decided why not reviewing it first, then. So, here we go..
But first, I want to compare it with the Drawing Eyebrow Pencil in #5 Gray.
Well sebenernya, untuk drawing eyebrow pencil (DEP) , udah gue pernah review selengkap-lengkapnya di blog ini. untuk postingan khusus drawing eyebrow, bisa klik di sini. oke balik lagi, sebenernya gue juga udah janji mau nge-swatch untuk shade yang gray ini di postingan March Haul gue, so I decided to skalian aja deh di compare sama Easy Brow Pencil (EBP) nya. well as you guys can see, the packaging is soooo handy. This is my Holy Grail item. I bring this every where I go. Saking seringnya, udah hampir habis lagi, this is the only weakness I found in this product. wax-nya sedikit sekaliiii, jadi suka cepet habis. padahal suka banget sama produk ini. makanya itu, gue mau cobain EBP karena bener-bener pensil, apakah lebih tahan lama atau gimana. So let's see the color, shall we?