Friday, August 30, 2013

My Graduation Day: I did my own makeup! + Rumah Ebo Guesthouse Bandung Review

Helloooooowwww ladieeeesss~~~~~
Yes, if you read my previous posts, you'll know that I graduated from college and I told you guys bunch of stories about my thesis defense right? and nooooowww..... YES IT IS! IT'S FINALLY MY GRADUATION DAY wohoooooooo~~~~ I feel so excited. it's more than a month that I've waited for this day, then it's finally come. So I want to share you something a little about it.

Yes, mungkin sebagian tau kalo gue kuliah di UNPAD, dan tinggal di Jakarta (Bekasi), jadi untuk hari wisuda, ternyata diadain di Bandung. okay, no problem. then, dapet kabar lagi kalo H-1 gue wisuda tanggal 27 Agustus itu, gue harus dateng dulu gladi bersih tanggal 26-nya. whaaaaaat??? bayangan gue, gue bisa dateng tgl 27 aja berangkat dr subuh abis dandan dr salon bareng sama keluarga, tapi man gara2 gladibersih itu smua jadi buyar. Yaudah, gue sama nyokap bingung dan nyusun strategi.

Bingung pertama, H-2minggu wisuda belom dapet kebaya. tapi akhirnya gak lama dapet setelah muter-muter dan alhamdulillah lengkap satu set and I loooove it so much! Bingung kedua, MAKEUP!! gimanaaaaa coba, gue gak tau salon mana yg bagus di Bandung :'( dan gue gak mau asal-asalan, it's my big day. you know what I mean. Bingung ketiga, RAMBUT! mau digimanaiiiiiiiiiiiin akkkk!!!

Atas kebingungan-kebingungan tersebut. akhirnya kita mencoba beberapa strategi, setelah kebaya dapet, gue mikirin makeup. gue bilang ke nyokap, gue kayaknya bisa deh dandan sendiri insyaallah. so my mom said okay, and she 100% trusted me. untuk rambut, kalo yg pernah baca postingan gue soal dandanin anak2 kartini, pasti tau nyokap gue bisa nyanggulin. so I 100% trusted my mom for my hair. THERE! 

Jadi gue latihan makeup dulu sebelum-sebelumnya, wondering what kind of makeup do I want, and it kept changing as much as I practiced my makeup, thou #labil until H-deket-deket wisuda gue mantep tentang apa yang gue (dan mama gue) mau untuk makeup. and my mom also made me a really really simple but still gorgeous hair do for me and I love em!!!!! soooo much!

Singkat nya, Hari H dateng dan gue dandan sendiri. Yeppppppp~~~~~ I did my best. mungkin gak perfect but I feel really really satisfied. it was exactly what I want. Soooo here are my makeup for my graduation daaay, I didn't edited any photos here in my blog. besides decorative ones, if needed. tapi selain itu, gue gak edit2 makeup atau apapun, I'm just trying to show how it really was, and I think it is cheating to edit photos to the blog, thou... #imo:
My FRESHLY APPLIED makeup, taken by my phone, gak begitu jelas, tapi begitu jadi full makeupnya gue langsung foto >,<

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

[Tips Pictorial/Video] How To: Open Vials and Store GEO Lenses [for the first timer!]

Hello again ladiesssss~~~~~~
I'm here to share a simple tips to open circle lens vials and how to store it right away. postingan ini khususnya dibuat untuk mereka yang baru pertama kali beli circle lenses, atau lens apapun yang memang bentuknya botol seperti ini.
Dalam postingan ini, gue bakalan pake contoh GEO Princess Mimi Almond yang gue sudah posting reviewnya di SINI :D
Mungkin beberapa readers disini udah familiar sama circle lenses apalagi untuk buka botolnya, pasti udah jago banget deh ya. ehehe jadi disini gue mau posting untuk yang masih bingung atau clueless gimana caranya buka dan ngeluarin lensa dari botol lensa yang seperti ini. tenang guys, kalian gak sendiri, hehe dulu gue juga bingung gimana bukanya, gimana keluarin lensanya. so here I am, writing this post for you, hope you like it~

Well, sebenernya gue udah bikin video untuk postingan ini biar lebih jelas gimana caranya step by stepnya untuk membuka dan menyimpan lens tersebut. videonya pendek kok, gak nyampe satu menit. jadi langsung diklik aja ya ladies sekalian video dibawah ini :D

Okay, untuk yang susah play videonya (kalo buka di hape atau apapun), gue bakalan nunjukin step by step berupa pictorialnya dibawah ini, let's begin, shall we??

Monday, August 12, 2013

Geo Princess Mimi Almond Circle Lenses Review~

Hello Again ladieeees~~~~~
I'm back again with another review post!
Well this time is a circle lens from GEO, the Princess Mimi Series in Almond brown.
Actually, this is my second time buying circle lenses, I once wear a circle lenses and I forgot what the brand is, all I remember is that the lenses are super uncomfortable! I was afraid to wear circle lenses since then :( and end up using regular lenses, the diameter also not too big, only 14,2 mm, not bigger than that.
Setelah gather up my courage to buy a circle lenses again, I decided to buy these lenses because I saw many bloggers and youtubers reviewed about it and it seems quite nice. So here I am, writing a review about it because I finally bought it LOL

Let's begin, shall we??

So here are some pictures of how I received my package for the first time, you can actually see there where I bought these lenses, and this online shop review: the owner is really really nice, I'm not even lying. she's really nice so I really satisfied with the service she gave to the customer, if you're interested in buying some, you can refer to the picture below:

they gave me a container too!
So when you open the box, you get a pair of vials there and you have to open it carefully to get the lenses, I will make a post of how to open the vials and store the lenses in here (will update later~)
Lenses ini banyak ukuran minusnya atau kalau mata kalian normal juga ada, so you can just ask the seller of your choice. like mine, gue minus 3 ( yes I knoooow. it's terrible :'[ ) dan ada untuk ukuran segitu, I'm so happy.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Eid Mubarak Greetings + August Mini Haul~

Assalamualaikum dear my beautiful ladies..
Sebagai seorang muslim, Ayes ingin mengucapkan minal aidin walfaidzin mohon maaf lahir dan batin, mohon dibukakan pintu maaf yang sebesar-sebesarnya jika selama ini Ayes banyak salah baik perkataan maupun perbuatan baik yang disengaja maupun tidak..
Semoga ibadah puasa kita kemarin diterima oleh Allah SWT amiiiiiin...

I hope you all have a wonderful Eid Mubarak, dan semoga semua yang sedang mudik diberikan keselamatan sampai nanti pulang kembali kerumah, amin amin..
So how was your lebaran day anyway? Mine was supeeeerrrrrr comfy.
Yes, I think comfy is the right word for that hehe. Chillin with family, big family, nothing would be more comfy than that..
I believe that you all have the same feelings, right? hehe

Anyway, gimana ladies yang masih dapet angpau lebaran? banyak dooooong dapetnya? hehe
semoga gak kalap yaa nanti belanja belanjinya, apalagi belanja makeupnya hehe

Speaking of belanja makeup, kemarin sempet jalan-jalan dan berhasil khilaf belanja belanji beberapa barang dan repurchased beberapa empties --" apalagi diskon lebaran bertebaran dimana-mana, yes I feel you ladies..

and mine are mostly drugstore products, seperti konsep blog ini, focusing on drugstore makeup. soooo, I will show you guys what I actually got recently, and I definitely will make a review of those here in this blog. So you can actually told me which one should I review first.. ready?

As you guys can tell, all of them are affordable drugstore products, you can get them in any store near you. here is the detail:

1. Geo Princess Mimi Almond Circle Lens
2. Drugstore Makeup Sponges
3. Maybelline Clear Smooth Minerals Healthy Natural Concealer in Medium-Sand
4. Maybelline The Magnum Volume Express Mascara in Black
5. Maybelline Cheeky Glow in Creamy Cinnamon
6. Wardah Lip Palette in Pinky Peach

some of my accessories haul
Well that's it, and I think it will grow, though. semoga gak kegoda lagi beli-beli yang lain, I really need to buy what I need, not what I want hehehe tapi namanya godaan ya, ladies :D

Well, tell me which one should I review first? Please do leave a comment ya ladies~~~~~~~ xoxo