Sunday, January 19, 2014

ITSJUDYTIME Eyeshadow Palette Part 1 : General Overview!

Halo cantik! Ketemu lagi kita, semoga semua dalam keadaan sehat yaa. Jadi kali ini gue mau bikin seri postingan tentang satu produk. Kenapa? karena gue merasa gak akan cukup untuk bahas produk ini dalam satu postingan aja, bakalan panjang banget nantinya. Berseri, udah kayak sinetron. Ini ceritanya part 1 nya. Jadi... produk apakah itu??

Hi beautiful! Finally we meet again, I hope ya'll doin alright! So today I'm going to share you a part of my upcoming product review series. Why is that? Because I think it won't be enough for me to talk about this product in one post. It will take me too long to write about it. haha So this is the very first part of the post. Can you guess what it is??

Kalau kalian baca postingan gue sebelumnya tentang "Which Beauty Gurus 'Represent' You The Most?" mungkin kalian udah pada tau, kalo gue lagi nunggu pesenan palette eyeshadow dari youtube guru yang gue sukain. Yep, Judy Travis. Gue suka banget nonton Judy di youtube dan akhirnya palettenya nyampe! Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

So if you guys read my recent post about "Which Beauty Gurus Represent You The Most?" maybe ya'll already know about this product I want to talk about. Ya'll know that I'm waiting for it for a long time. It's from my ultimate favorite youtube guru, Judy Travis. I watch her all the time and finally I got her palette! Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! So happy!

Gue order palette ini begitu tahu palette ini udah dirilis sama BH Cosmetics, tepatnya 7 Desember 2013 kemarin. Gue order lewat Bunny Beaute Cosmetica via facebook (not even sponsored, in case you're wondering lol!). Dan makbun bilang kemungkinan palette ini nyampe itu rentang waktunya sebulan. Jadi tahun baru, tepatnya pertengahan Januari 2014 baru nyampe. Dan tepat sekali, gue order pertengahan Desember, palette ini juga nyampe pertengahan Januari kemarin. Seneng banget akhirnya paketnya nyampe dengan selamat, tanpa cela. Alhamdulillah.

I ordered this palette right away after Judy announced the launch party on Dec 7th 2013. I ordered from facebook and the owner said that the ETA might reach a month long. So I got it after waiting for about a month. I ordered the palette around the mids of December and got it in the mids of January to be exact. But I'm happy though, it's worth the wait. The palette arrived safely! Finally.

Jadi seperti yang terlihat, packaging palette ini super duper simpel! Gak banyak detail macem-macem. Gak rempong. Pokoknya super elegan. Karena gue tau Judy juga orangnya suka yang simpel, gak suka yang berlebihan. Jadi untuk tampilannya, bener-bener sesuai sama selera gue. Elegan. cuma pure hitam, dengan detil tulisan "It's Judy Time Eyeshadow Palette" warna emas. Ugh. Keliatan mewah bingit. Dan bagian belakangnya, bisa diliat. Cuma detil keterangan claim palette ini dan bahan-bahannya. Udah gitu aja.

As you guys can see, the packaging of this palette is super simple! Not much of unnecessary details on it. It's super Elegant. Because I know, Judy is such a simple person, she's so genuine. So for the look of the packaging itself show that it really is, simple. It's really my style, though. It;s pure glossy black, with her golden palette name on it. Ugh. it's so RICH baby it's RICH! lol. As for the back, it's just simply the details of what the palette claims and the ingredients. That's it. 

Selain itu packagingnya juga gak lebay, ukurannya cuma segede telapak tangan lah kira-kira. Gedean dikit. Pokoknya mudah dipegang, plus gampang banget dibawa kemana-mana. Gak makan banyak tempat. Judy pasti mikirin itu juga, karena dia sendiri sering berpergian. Palettenya ramping banget. Plus bahannya terbuat dari semacam plastik dilapisi semacam kertas (?) gue gak tahu bahannya itu apa yang jelas bikin palette ini super enteng, gak berat. Nice one!

Besides, the packaging is so tiny! It's almost like an adult palm size. It's really easy to carry everywhere, it won't take a lot of space. I think Judy also think carefully about that since she herself likes to travel a lot. So it's might be her huge consideration for a palette. It's super slimmy, plus the material is made of sort of plastic and paper(?) like material, I don't know exactly what it is, but it makes the palette super light! It's not heavy at all. Nice!

Nah begitu palettenya dibuka..... jeng jeng! ternyata bagian tutupnya ada magnetnya! wuhuuuuu! jadi gak usah takut kalo tutupnya bakalan kebuka sendiri dan palettenya jadi berantakan karena magnetnya bakalan nahan tutupnya, jadi ga akan kebuka sembarangan. nice! Keliatan deh dalem palettenya gimana. Masih tetep pure hitam glossy dengan kaca besar dan 12 warna cantik bernuansa netral di dalamnya.

When we open the palette... wala! There's a magnet on the lid! so cool! So we don't need to be worry if the lid might be open incidentally because it will hold up the lid and it won't mess the eyeshadow. Nice, right?? So we can see the inside of it. It's still glossy black in color with a big mirror on it, and 12 beautiful neutral colors of eyeshadows in it.

Yang paling special dari palette ini adalah kutipan andalan dari Judy sendiri yang tertera di deket kacanya. Yaitu "Natural is beautiful, but makeup is glam!" oh I loooooove the sayings. Saking sukanya sama Judy, mungkin kalian bisa liat dari awal gue punya blog ini, di bagian bio gue juga gue tulis quote ini. Because I totally agree with it. haha Anyway cerminnya besar. Jadi no problem with that, bakalan puas bgt pake cerminnya.

What makes this palette more special is the well known saying from Judy herself which stated below the mirror. It says "Natural is beautiful, but makeup is glam!" I looooooooove it! From the very beginning of this blog, I put her quote on my bio, you can see it right now on the left top part of this blog. because I totally agree with it. Anyway the mirror is big! So it will make you satisfy lookin at yourself while doin your makeup. lol 

Yang menurut gue agak kurang adalah pada bagian dalemnya yang juga hitam glossy itu bikin keliatan kotor apalagi kalo ada fall outs dari eyeshadownya itu sendiri. Sebenernya sih semua warna juga bakalan keliatan, cuma ini item jadi tambah keliatan aja. Tuh bisa dilihat di gambar di atas, keliatan kan ada serbuk-serbuk eyeshadow di bagian itemnya. Dan palette ini juga gak disertai dengan kuas bawaan, mungkin karena Judy tau kita biasanya gak make kuas bawaan kecuali darurat. lol Jadi dia gak kasih kuas bawaan dalem palettenya. Trus gue juga khawatir sama bagian tutupnya karena kayaknya tipis bgt jadi takut putus, tapi gue bahkan liat Judy pernah ngelipet tutupnya sampe ke belakang berarti kuat sebenernya. But still, you need to be careful.

But for me, the minus part are: the glossy black can be a little off too. because I think it will make the palette looks dirty. I know, every color does, but I think black makes it way more obvious. As you can see above, the fall outs from the eyeshadow can clearly be seen, don't you think. Oh this palette doesn't include a brush on it, because maybe Judy knows that most of us don't use it unless it is emergency situation. lol So it doesn't have a brush on it. Last, I was a little bit worry about the lid, the lid connector actually. Because of its paper(?) like material, I thought it will break easily. But in her tutorials, Judy even flip the lids over, so I think it will be okay. But still, you need to be careful about that.

Yep, secara keseluruhan, itu adalah review gue tentang palette ini. Anyway, palette ini limited edition loh. Jadi kalo minat mending buru-buru pesen di websitenya. Apalagi setau gue, sampe detik ini palettenya habis jadi kalian harus PO di websitenya. Artinya harus dua kali PO kalo belinya lewat Online Shop. Ya PO di bhcosmetics nya ya PO juga di OL shopnya. It will take a long time. Tapi kalo sabar, it's worth the money kok. Speaking of money, untuk harga sesuai website palette ini masih sale dengan harga $14.95 dari harga aslinya $19.95 bisa langsung aja klik di sini BH COSMETICS ITSJUDYTIME. Sedangkan gue beli via OL shop, jadi banyak biaya lainnya. Total keseluruhan gue kemarin kurang lebih IDR 350.000 untuk palette ini.

Well I think that is it about my general thought about this palette. Anyway this is a limited edition one. So if you're interested, you need to be hurry! As far as I know, from watching her vlog, you need to pre-order it from its website, since they're like running out of it at the moment. So you need to consider the time of arrival, in some case like me, I ordered it form an online shop on facebook, so you need to wait more. First you need to wait from BH cosmetics, then you need to wait from the OL shop, it will take a very loooong time. But if you're patient, this palette will worth the money. Anyway, this palette is being retail on the website for $14.95 from the original price for $19.95. Nice deal, right? As for me, it took me about IDR 350.000 for this palette to buy.

Jadi itu lah kira-kira pendapat secara umum tentang kesan pertama gue dari palette ini. Seperti yang gue bilang di atas, gue bakalan bikin postingan selanjutnya masih dengan produk yang sama. Postingan berikutnya adalah tentang Color Swatches dari palette ini sendiri. So please wait. Penasaran kan?? Sammmmmma! Saya juga! LOL

Well I think that is it, my general description about this palette. As I said before, I will write the next post still about the same product. But it will be more focusing on the Eyeshadow colors. The Swatched and stuff. So please do anticipate. lol I know it's annoying, you wanna see those colors, aren't you? But please wait, I need to work on it as detail as I can.

So I'll see you guys real soon! Bye! xo

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18 Responses to "ITSJUDYTIME Eyeshadow Palette Part 1 : General Overview!"

  1. gasabar mau liat swatchesnya. warnanya bagus2. packagingnya keliatan elegant mahal gimana gitu.

    1. Sudah ada postingan swatchesnya ya sayang, hope you like it too :D

  2. aku mau swatchnyaaaaaa >.< aduh itu warnanya cakep2 bgt sih yes, pengen deh nyolekin :3

    1. Swatchnya sudah aku posting sayang, and believe me, they're gorjessss kiii >_<

  3. wahhh krn shipping sgala macem jd mahal ya yes.. >.<
    itu quotenya oke banget yaaa :'D

    1. Iya rin :( sebel deh, padahal aslinya gak segitu
      aku pun setuju sm quotenya hihi
      thanks rin <3

  4. waahhh baguusss mba pnasaraaan >.<

  5. Dtunggu reviewnyaa ayesss♥ warnya caemmm

  6. suka packagingnya, ditunggu reviewnya :D

  7. packagingnya simple dan elegan, tipe desain yang aku suka, tapi lumayan mahal juga ya..
    warnanya juga cantik-cantik, ditunggu nih kak review selanjutnya, hehe :D

    1. Iya tapi untungnya worth the price sih dev, aku suka bgt over all.
      Reviewnya udah up ya dev, maacih sayangkuuu <3

  8. Aku juga suka bangeeet sama Judy Travis.
    Say, kamu beli lewat mana? Boleh share info?
    Soalnya aku coba lewat webnya bh cosmetics ga ada shipping ke indo ya :(

    1. Itu udah aku tulis say di atas, hehe
      lewat fb bunny beauty cosmetica hehe
