Saturday, March 23, 2013

Makeup Inspired: Girls Day Expectation MV [Two Looks]

Hello again guys. Yes its me again.
Here I come with a makeup inspired post, from another korean group named Girls Day.
Well hello there, kpop lovers.
But please, don't expect too much. I'm not that pretty, not that professional, not that flawless, I'm just doing what I love. so I hope you guys enjoy..
Belakangan gue lagi addict sama musiknya yang lumayan catchy, trus pas liat MVnya ternyata oke juga.
it's clean, and clear. with their sexy image.
but to be honest I don't really like the coreography, cus... you know, you have to look it by yourself.
tapi keseluruhan gue suka looknya, gue suka makeupnya, lagunya.
untuk yang belom liat, bisa di play video dibawah ini:

nah seperti apa look yang bakalan gue coba untuk post kali ini, berikut beberapa screencaps yang gue ambil dari full MVnya:

 yep, as you guys can see, ada dua look yang ditampilin di MV ini, satu look lebih clean, satunya lagi lebih smokey. oh I love them both, don't you? so let's get started~

First Look: Untuk look yang pertama ini ada tiga point yang harus diperhatiin, ketiga point itu adalah:

Well, meskipun untuk point 3 agak susah, yaaaah why not try first? haha~
(1) Wearing my lenses, I know It's supposed to be natural but yeah.. I only own these currently, so I used these lenses.
(2) to achieve full eyebrows like most korean do, get a brow pencil with 2-3 shades  lighter than your natural hair. (3) and blend them with a screw brush to make it more natural, not harsh.
(4) get your gel eyeliner and line your eyes like so, (5) also line your 2/3 half bottom lash lines like so
(6) get your shimmery bronze eyeshadow and put it all over your lids like so
(7) tightline your waterline with a waterproof pencil liner, (8) then intensify your line with an intense black liquid liner
(9) find a berry red lipstick use a brush to make a precise line
Well, untuk look yang pertama ini, kayaknya girls day gak pake blush, kalopun pake mungkin sedikiiiit sekali. karena point dari thick eyeliner dan red lips udah berat banget. kalau ditambahin blush lagi bisa tambah berattttt. so I decided not to wear any, and just contour + highlited my face. berikut pictorialnya:
ugh scarrrrrry I know :x
So basically, gue cuma kasih contouring powder yang warnanya 2-3 shades lebih tua dari warna kulit gue. karena gue sangat perlu shading dimana hidung gue tidaklah mancung. haha so contouring and highlighting really help me in this case.
Well then, here's the final look!

Now let's go on to the Second Look: untuk look ini ada 2 point makeup yang bisa diterusin aja dari look yang pertama. berikut penampakannya dari MV:

so, let's try the look number 2, here are the details:
Dari eye makeup look pertama, (1) sekarang kita cuma butuh nambahin darker brown matte shadow di ujung mata untuk kesan smokey eyes. blend it well.
tambahin juga shadow yang lebih gelap tersebut ke bagian bawah  eyeliner  like so
untuk look ini, untuk ngimbangin mata yang udah smokey, butuh lips yang lebih soft. ombre lips bikin looknya makin cute dan sof. klik untuk turorial omble lips.
So here, is the Final look:

Well, mohon dimaklumi kalo memang gak sama karena ini adalah inspired makeup. I'm not transformed into them, but I was Inspired by them. So thank you for reading this long post, maaf kalau banyak kurangnya, I hope you guys enjoy~ xoxo
Need some more? watch my fave makeup guru doing the same look here.
Me in Before, First Look, Second Look

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19 Responses to "Makeup Inspired: Girls Day Expectation MV [Two Looks]"

  1. kalau mataku knp gag cocok yaa pake model eyeliner gini -___-
    malah kayak panda jadinya...

  2. I love your second look. Gara-gara ombre lips kali yaa, dan tambahan eyeshadow coklatnya^^

  3. @Deeyah KWP ahaha same here sist, mata berasa gimana gitu ya. aku juga jarang pake kayak gini kok, bikin mata makin kecil prasaan :|

  4. @dini setiyorini thank you dear <3 lebih soft kali ya dari pada look pertama krn kesannya jadi fierce banget hihi

  5. Sehati banget nih, tadinya aku juga mau buat tutorial ini loh yesss! hahahah mau buat Yura nya hahaha XD nice tutorial yess <3

  6. Baguss loo.. ^^
    aku paling suka eyeliner benyuk yang looks 1 itu.. tapi masih belum pinter buatnya haha >.<

  7. @SASYACHI kakak plisss bikin yang Yura juga kak, pasti mirip banget <3
    next kita collab bikin look yuk kak >_<

  8. @piedev thank you so much dear, aku juga jarang kok pake yang kayak gini masih gak pede >_< berasa gimanaa gitu hihi~

  9. thank u judith ud mampir n follow. ak ud folback ya :) anyway suka tutorialnya.. cantik :D

  10. @britzie thank you so much kakak <3 ahhh aku cuma eksperimen (gagal kok) huhu semacam gak tau malu, sesungguhnya haha, thank you again anyway kak~

  11. wow bagus kok pnya km, ada step2nya lagiii.. pnyaku abal banget hahahha xD
    nice job judith :*

    1. hahaha noooo, ini mah iseng aja jadinya malah entah lah failed experiment XD
      love your eyes in your post, the shadows are so pigmented
      thank you udah mampir, by the way <3

  12. wooww cakep beud! km cocok ya pake make up beginian, kalo aq mata q jadi tmbah sipit and jadi kayak orang india banget >.<

    1. masa sih? padahal itu juga nekat loooh, jarang banget aku pake kayak gini gak pede soalnya terlalu bold. hhi you should try it too <3

  13. waww pretty.. bibirnya seksoyyy :D

    1. aw aw awwwww seksoooy hihi
      thank you ya dear seksoy :p

  14. Woah i just saw this x) i made one too.
    im really agree about what you said in the first paragraph with the big fonts :3
    ah i like the cheoreography x3 eventhough...i know a bit sexy :/
    and the second look suits you very well i think^^♡

    1. aww thank you so much Jess, for the sweet feed back :D really appreciate it :')
      I saw yours and yours was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay much better than mine :D
      you even did a dance cover vid, nice <3
      thank you so so much Jess <3
