Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Beauty Talk: The Versatile Blogger Award

Well.. I don't know how I feel right now LOL
I feel happy and surprised both at the same time.
because I've been nominated for this versatile blogger award from this gorgeous lady

>>> Dee from PROMISCUOUS <<<

I really thank her, I feel honored and touched by her attention to me and my blog.
she's a nice lady, you definitely should go to her page, because she's really bold in playing with colors and we all love that, so this is the award: wohooo.......

So here are the rules:

1. Nominate some other blogger
2. Let them know you have nominated them
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself
4. Thank the blogger who has nominated you and link back to them in your post
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award to your post

Sooooo... considering for all the attention that goes to my blog, I will definitely thank them first by choosing them as the nomination of this award.  so please, please, go to their awesome blog!!!! So my nomination for this award goes to:

1. I'm a kpop lover, yes you can see that, and I love MBLAQ
2. I'm in a long distance relationship, yeah.. agak sedih tapi ya okelah
3. I love youtube-ing, I can spend my whooole day watching videos esp abt beauty
4. I love writing, but I'm quite sucks when debating. hahaha
5. I love watching RUNNING MAAAAAN, siapa yang suka juga???
6. Selangkah lagi lulus kuliah, plis mohon doanya, gorgeous!
7. I have so many dreams I want to achieve!

So once again, thank you thank you DEE so much for making me the nomination of this lovely award, this is the first blog award ever I ever got wohooooo!!!!

Then I was nominated for this award again by my lovely favorite blogger everrrrrrrr......

>>> Nancy from PROJECTNCY <<<

I really adore her and her blog, because she's so daring about makeup and style, because not everyone would be too daring to do that. and she's really really nice, I mean it. so please check her blog right away after you read this and give some love too to her and her blog.
thank you again, kakak Nancy for nominating meeeee~

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23 Responses to "Beauty Talk: The Versatile Blogger Award"

  1. that fast :D
    point 2, aku gak pernah sukses sama beginian T-T

  2. @Deeyah KWP yes, I actually have a spaaaare time anyway hahaha. uh oh :( mudah2an untuk aku baik2 aja deh yaaa amin, udah hampir 3 tahun jalaninnya. hihi thank you again, dear <3

  3. Thanks ya udah nominating me^^
    Bakal dibuat as soon as possible
    Btw I love Running Man too, kocak banget..hahaha

    1. yeaaa high-five for running man! XD

    2. Yap selesai. Thanks ya ayes^^

  4. Wah thanks ya say udah nominasiin aku ^^ aku post secepatnya.
    aku juga nominasiin kamu loh buat Liebster Award. cek disini ya :)

    1. my pleasure ^^
      thank you dear, will make the post as soon as possible <3

    2. hai judith, udah aku post tentang versatile blogger awardnya ya ^^
      cek disini

    3. got that, hun. makasih yaaa I feel so honored <3

  5. Thank you Ayes ^^
    No,2 aku juga LDR sm suamiku dulu, cuma Jakarta-Malaysia sih selama setahun doang untungnya :P

    1. sama-sama kakak~
      aihhhhh semoga aku sukses juga LDR-annya kayak kakak dan suami, amiiiin

  6. thank u for nominating me dear :)
    xo, Maya

  7. ga papa, dobel2 nih, aku nominasiin as versatile award lagi..hahha...check my post about that


  8. wah.. kok bisa dinominasiin >_<
    selangkah lg lulus kuliah,gw masi banyaaakk langkahnya..baru semester 2 XD
    cepet lulus yaaa semoga sukses :D

    1. amin amin, makasih ya dear
      semangat terus, nikmati masa-masa kelas masih banyak hhi

  9. hey dear, thanks sooo much for a nice comment! nice of youuuu....thx also for a nice shout out to your friends.....=D anyway...LDR..mmh, ga papa, kalo jodoh pasti ketemu terus...i was LDR with my hubby too, 6 years!6 years!haha..even after married, i gotta stay in Indo for at least 1 year and half...thats crazy, because i had to deal with the immigration, yeah..keep in can do it!!love conquers!!semoga cepat lulus kuliahnyaaaaaa...=D


    1. wow, that's a long record of time 6 years anyway! hahaha tapi kan kakak akhirnya finally made it ya kak <3 ah so happy.. amin makasih kakak for your kindness, semoga aku bisa ikut jejak suksesnya kakak. hhi amiiin <3 thank you again kak Nancyyyy~

  10. Thank you for nominating me :)
    Nanti aku bikin postnya ya. hehe...

    1. my pleasure dear, sippo :)

    2. Dear, please check it out:

      Pokoknya thank you banget ya... ahhh... senang sekali :)

    3. done, dear. you're too kind <3 really appreciate it :')
      thank you too~

  11. Wengie! I am your youtube channel subscriber, though. How could you found my blog, lol I feel honored <3 thank you so much doll, you're so lovely. and your blog is really pretty <3
