Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Beauty Talk: The Versatile Blogger Award

Well.. I don't know how I feel right now LOL
I feel happy and surprised both at the same time.
because I've been nominated for this versatile blogger award from this gorgeous lady

>>> Dee from PROMISCUOUS <<<

I really thank her, I feel honored and touched by her attention to me and my blog.
she's a nice lady, you definitely should go to her page, because she's really bold in playing with colors and we all love that, so this is the award: wohooo.......

So here are the rules:

1. Nominate some other blogger
2. Let them know you have nominated them
3. Share 7 random facts about yourself
4. Thank the blogger who has nominated you and link back to them in your post
5. Add the Versatile Blogger Award to your post

Sooooo... considering for all the attention that goes to my blog, I will definitely thank them first by choosing them as the nomination of this award.  so please, please, go to their awesome blog!!!! So my nomination for this award goes to:

1. I'm a kpop lover, yes you can see that, and I love MBLAQ
2. I'm in a long distance relationship, yeah.. agak sedih tapi ya okelah
3. I love youtube-ing, I can spend my whooole day watching videos esp abt beauty
4. I love writing, but I'm quite sucks when debating. hahaha
5. I love watching RUNNING MAAAAAN, siapa yang suka juga???
6. Selangkah lagi lulus kuliah, plis mohon doanya, gorgeous!
7. I have so many dreams I want to achieve!

So once again, thank you thank you DEE so much for making me the nomination of this lovely award, this is the first blog award ever I ever got wohooooo!!!!

Then I was nominated for this award again by my lovely favorite blogger everrrrrrrr......

>>> Nancy from PROJECTNCY <<<

I really adore her and her blog, because she's so daring about makeup and style, because not everyone would be too daring to do that. and she's really really nice, I mean it. so please check her blog right away after you read this and give some love too to her and her blog.
thank you again, kakak Nancy for nominating meeeee~

Monday, March 25, 2013

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Makeup Inspired: Girls Day Expectation MV [Two Looks]

Hello again guys. Yes its me again.
Here I come with a makeup inspired post, from another korean group named Girls Day.
Well hello there, kpop lovers.
But please, don't expect too much. I'm not that pretty, not that professional, not that flawless, I'm just doing what I love. so I hope you guys enjoy..
Belakangan gue lagi addict sama musiknya yang lumayan catchy, trus pas liat MVnya ternyata oke juga.
it's clean, and clear. with their sexy image.
but to be honest I don't really like the coreography, cus... you know, you have to look it by yourself.
tapi keseluruhan gue suka looknya, gue suka makeupnya, lagunya.
untuk yang belom liat, bisa di play video dibawah ini:

nah seperti apa look yang bakalan gue coba untuk post kali ini, berikut beberapa screencaps yang gue ambil dari full MVnya:

 yep, as you guys can see, ada dua look yang ditampilin di MV ini, satu look lebih clean, satunya lagi lebih smokey. oh I love them both, don't you? so let's get started~

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Review: Hey You Fragrances, Vision Perfume

Hello again guys.. kali ini gue bakalan ngepost review soal parfum dari Hey You Fragrances. gue ngepost parfum ini duluan karena sesuai dengan komen yang ada di post March Haul kemarin kebanyakan request untuk review this cute little thing first. kayaknya sih karena packagingnya yang cute dan pink~ yes I knowwwwww right... the box is too pinky and it caught your eyes. that's what actually happen to me when I decided to buy this cute little thing. haha so hello there all pinky lovers~ I hope you guys all enjoy this cute pinky post with you. hihi
awalnya gue sama nyokap cuma iseng aja lagi window shopping trus kita masuk ke Matahari Dept Store dan lewatlah ke bagian parfumnya. trus pas lagi liat-liat lucu juga ya.. dan biasalah, kalo kita lewat spot parfum pasti kan counter ladies-nya langsung semprat semprot sample sana sini. I know, pusing right.
but don't worry, biasanya abis nyemprotin 3 macem parfum yang berbeda the counter ladies bakalan ngasih kita semacam kopi gitu untuk dicium baunya. gunanya untuk menetralisir hidung kita supaya bau nya gak kecampur lagi. plus kita gak pusing.
dan begitulah, counter ladiesnya ngerekomen berbagai jenis dan merk parfum. juga nanyain kita nyari wangi yang kayak apa. soft, strong, manis, atau gimana.
finally kita nemu sample yang cocok trus pas dikasih liat botolnya ternyata cute banget. simple and pink!

cute hearts graphic on the back of the box

I see that this perfume was made in India~
100ml eau de parfum yang tahan lama
and when you open the box...

Friday, March 15, 2013

Review: Maybelline Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner in Black

Hello again guyyyss, so sorry for my long absence because I somehow need to focus on my thesis :( yap, kayak yang gue post di march haul sebelumnya, gue bakal review satu Holy Grail Item gue yang slama ini selalu gue pake, yep be ready for eyeliner junkies out there~ it's Maybelline Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner in #01 Black! Korean stars sering pake Gel Eyeliner untuk ngebingkai mata mereka, karena hasilnya biasanya lebih natural. dan lebih bisa terkontrol pemakaiannya. memang kurang efisien karena butuh tools lain dalam pengaplikasiannya, yaitu eyeliner brush.
Tapi that's worth to try, like seriously.
Apalagi dengan formula yang ditawarin produk ini, yaitu intense color, waterproof, smudge proof, long lasting, affordable price [it's only IDR 98.000 guys!] all in one product. so why not?? Jadi gue harap untuk para eyeliner junkies out there, maybe this kind of product can fulfill your hunger of eyeliner too. haha so let's begin!


this is how it looks like when youopen the packaging, cute!
Jadi bisa diliat, kalau mau pake eyeliner ini gak perlu pusing-pusing lagi nyari kuas eyeliner-nya. karena udah termasuk kuas eyeliner didalemnya. kecuali kalian udah punya kuas favorit yang biasa kalian pake, then you got a new one! well. awalnya gue juga meragukan kuas dari paket ini. karena biasanya kuas atau aplikator bawaan performanya yaa so so lah. eh tapiiiiii, I was wrong! the brush is sooooo great. it helps you to create a precise line. jadi ternyata kuasnya oke banget dan bener-bener gak rugi. tapi tentunya butuh perawatan juga biar bentuk kuasnya gak mess up. dan gue juga bakalan kasih tipsnya loh..
The brush has a proportional length jadi enak dipegangnya

Saturday, March 2, 2013

March Haul: Etude House, Maybelline, The Body Shop, Vision Perfume

Yes.. Hello again guys.
I'm gonna make this short, hehe since it's the March Haul..
Jadiiii... gue abis nitip produk2 empties yang mesti gue repurchase sama temen gue yg ke Korea (hello there @onepackabs <3) and she attended MBLAQ's LECAF fanmeeting.
I know riiiiight, I'm zuppa duppa bamba jealous!!!!
Nah, produk apa aja kaaah itu???? So here we go.

Yes, I loooove this two items so far, so I need to repurchase them.
1. Etude House Drawing Eyebrow in #05 Grey
2. Etude House Color Corset in #01 Gold Veil Highlighter

Untuk Etude House Drawing Eyebrow, gue udah pernah review di post sebelumnya (in #02 Grey Brown) bisa dicek di sini.
But I think I'm gonna swatch this Grey guy later for you guys^^
Sedangkan untuk Color Corset Highlighter, gue bakalan review abis-abisan.
Soooo it will go to the waiting liiiist~